British Council holds ISA ceremony at UNESCO

In the presence of H.E. Hugo Shorter, UK Ambassador to Lebanon, the British Council held the International School Award (ISA) ceremony on Monday 7 December from 9:00-12:00 at the UNESCO Palace.

The event celebrated the success of the 35 Lebanese public and private schools that have achieved the prestigious International School Award.

The award is an acknowledgement from peer group of educators, Ministry of Education and Higher Education & British Council of high standards of international work. It is given to schools which have worked over at least a year, to develop an international dimension to their schools’ policies and activities.

The ISA is a global accreditation scheme recognising good practice in incorporating the international dimension into schools.
The accreditation process has an action planning stage, followed by compilation of evidence and the submission of an evaluation. Successful schools are accredited for three years.

The ISA acknowledges school collaboration internationally and provides a framework for recognising schools that:

– champion international work and collaboration with partners to build and develop lasting relationships
– benchmark best practice and share professional development in teaching and learning
– engage young people in both the global economy and global citizenship and develop their skills for life and work
– support whole-school projects that contribute towards school improvement
– enrich education through international work.

The 35 schools who have received the award join over 10,000 schools worldwide, which have received this award since 1999, when the scheme started.

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